English Thought | Always make man friends like

Always make man friends like
Shadows and mirrors
Because the shadows never leave
Together and the mirror dose not lie
Always make man friends like
Two people in life
One who thinks
But do not
Second what they do
But do not think
Do not lose your fall
You are human, not incarnation
Fall, get up, walk, run again
Life is short
No summary of this …
People want that
You better
But it is also true that
He never wanted to
You make them better
Just do not get hold of the floor,
It is awakened in a deep heart,
How To Make Dishware Tail From
On one side of the dark darkness,
The light of the small lamp on one side,
Whatever the pitfalls, stand in the way of the lamp,
Success will move your steps
Fill the flight repeatedly,
Tina Straw is to be raised
Draw in your ‘Wheel of Life’ by joining up the rankings you assign and see how misshapen it is.If it is too irregular,then write down your plans for removing the bumps and gaining the balance you want. Monitor your progress against your plans and repeat the exercise in three months’ time.
For each category,give a mark from one to five as how satisfied you are with its time allocation.Use one for unacceptable,two for very dissatisfied (which can mean too little time or too much time), three for dissatisfied,four for satisfied,and five for very satisfied.
Throughout history,tyrants have tried to control those who opposed them,but eventually these rulers discovered the power of the imagination was far greater than the threat of the sword. As Victor Hugo said,“An invasion of armies can be resisted,but not an idea whose time has come.

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