Good Morning | ये दुनिया वाले भी बड़े अजीब होते है

Good Morning | 
ये दुनिया वाले भी बड़े अजीब होते है 
दूर तो कभी करीब होते है दर्द ना बताओ 
तो हमै कायर करते है और दर्द बताओ तो
हमें शायर कहते है 

Life appears to be a sport,
Because if you are participating in it
And if you do not know law law then
You will definitely lose

If you are in the race for life
Slowly they are never stopped,
So believe you are the fastest

Always ask yourself,
Why am I the most different?
Success will kiss your steps

If you do any work
Not enjoying,
It means that the work
Is not worth your

Always successful person
From your goal reaches,
No matter how many
Why not come difficulties

You have never succeeded
If you can
Keep reminding you

On the day you get bad ideas
Keep up the good ideas,
Life will be self-centered

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