A New True Love story 02

A New True Love story 02

Real Love Story Part 01

            There is a true story that i am going to tell you is a boy, a 20 year old girl, both of them had known for a long time, but they could not tell the other that they would love each other after a few years, the boy is about to get married, but the girl does not tell me that i love you.
            Then what happened the boy goes to the girl and says i love you very much but my marriage is going to happen to someone else. What i am forced to do is tell the girl why do not you like not bother me.
            I love you a lot what to do, has happened or something has happened in our midst and neither will there be anything like this, a love story remains incomplete, and the boys become bravado some years later the girl also becomes a girl after a lot of years have passed once again. She calls a duck. She says you made a big mistake if she did not talk.

            If i had you with you, then i would have lived with you, then our life would be very colorful, then the boy would say that you too would have loved me so much second thing is not to do now, to live with the help of memories and to be happy with seeing each other is a life that is a fraud, now no matter what can do anything, so can love happens only once in one's life and there is one kind of compromise for others, or for the second time that there is no love, there is such a thing that loves and loves what we love, the body gets agitated immediately, it does not mean wrong, but we get energy if we talk to them or meet them.
            Then there are a few moments in our life which can be remembered because of which we love very good love life but if it remains incomplete then it is a very difficult moment of life when it is realized that why did it happen so that this work remained incomplete let it be there was also a simple love story which will be posted in the next post, keep reading our post and thank you

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